Sewing your own horse equipment

Are you handy with a sewing machine? Have you ever thought of making items for your horse because you can’t find the right size or the item you want is no longer made? I have, more than once I might add. I have a miniature horse that is hard to fit. Some companies make their items too large while others make them much too small. My sewing machine has become my friend when it comes to making repairs on winter horse blankets too. Strapping is an easy fix as well. But where do you find sewing patterns for horses? It is not as hard as you think.

Sewing patterns for horses.
Suitablity was the company that made over 50+ sewing patterns for both horse and rider. I have the one for winter riding pants. They have since closed their doors but you can still find their new patterns on Amazon. For example here is one for their Horse Hood collection , here are some of the others on Amazon – SuitAbility equestrian patterns on Amazon

Another option, if you are up to it, is sewing leather. If you can do that either by machine or by hand you can make countless items of horse tack. Here is a pattern from Tandy Leather to make a horse breast stall, splints, bridles, halters and more. Tandy Leather Tack Accessory Pattern Pack Don’t forget you can often substitute nylon strapping for leather on many of those items and nylon is very easy to sew on your sewing machine. My favorite supplier for nylon strapping and the steel hardware used in bridles and halters is Strapworks

As we are starting to get into the months of the year where riding and often time spent with our horses is limited daily, it is the perfect time to drag out that sewing machine and start to get creative.


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